
Friday, November 6, 2015

The woes of Traveling.. Which way will my heart go??

So traveling isn't JUST gorgeous adventure, sightseeing and exploring. There is a TON of time spent in uncertainty and chaos.

Now is one of those times...
My assignment ends next Friday. Where am I going next?? Texas... but without a job. Because the one I thought was set up got cancelled. And this is the norm: Constant change of plans.

So my dilemma: do I stay with my current company (which I love, love, love) and return to Wyoming in two weeks (leaving Brad and Archer behind)? Do I just take off 6 weeks from work and focus on friends and family for the holidays? Do I pick up some health home jobs and work near my "home town" to stay close to Brad and friends? Do I get a travel assignment somewhere in Southern Texas where I can see friends on the weekends? If I do that do I wait until 2016 so I don't get screwed on working holidays??

Being funemployed doesn't sound bad at all, and I have the money to do it. But it certainly isn't helping my financial long term goals...

If I want to go to Alaska next year for an assignment, I WILL have to leave my current company, so leaving now would be a step in the right direction. And although I know this is an amazing company, it is also the only company I have been with full time since I graduated, so what if there are other amazing companies out there? But this company has made this position up for me, has helped me grow so much as a therapist and as an adult, the thought of leaving tears at my heart strings.

Taking an assignment means I have to be at least 60 mile outside of our hometown to get any of the travel stipends/benefits... and they just aren't jumping out at me this time of year like they have previously to get me in a location I want.

Home health would be a good option so I can stay close and set my own schedule, etc. But it means PRN positions at multiple companies (most likely) so uncertain hours/pay for the next 6 months. Plus a big learning curve. But I like learning, I'm good at learning curves. And it's one setting that I don't currently have on my resume and would like experience in.

I keep thinking of my friend Kim and what she would say. I can see her flipping her hand "Just take the time girl, go visit family and have fun!!" This is the woman that always encouraged a good time, yet knew how to work her ass off. She's the one that convinced me to rent a fun car to go to a convention because life was too short too drive my 15 year old Camry and I deserved a good weekend. And with tears running down my face as I write this, I wish so bad that she was wrong about life being too short. The world will never be the same without Kim, but the lessons she taught me in the 3 short years I got to work and play with her will forever be with me.

So all of that being said... I know in my heart I want the time off. But it scares me and my head says it is stupid to not work and be putting money away, even for a few weeks when I am still able-bodied and willing.

So I don't know what will happen or where I will go. But things have been working out for me for 29 years so far... These are gold-plated problems. I am so excited to see what happens but thought it was only fair I share some of the downsides of traveling. Sometimes I wish that I desired consistency, but turmoil is what I'm comfortable with, my free spirit just isn't built for white picket fences and normal 9-5 jobs. As Jillian Michael loves to yell at me in her workouts: "Get comfortable with being uncomfortable!!"

I would appreciate thoughts, though. Perhaps there isn't a perspective or option I have thought of? Comments seem to not be working great, I don't know if you have to have a Google+ account or something to leave comments? text me, call me, facebook me, or send a homing pigeon.

I let my thoughts ramble on with this song in the background...


Tuesday, November 3, 2015

The First Snow in Wyoming!

So I am a little behind on updates, this magic snow fell the Tuesday before I left for a Cali vacation. It only rained/sleeted in town but all day at work I watched the snow fall on Casper Mountain, so of course I asked if Brad would drive us up (and he is great, so he said yes!)

When I pulled into the parking lot of our humble abode, Brad was out walking the dogs. The fur babies now recognize my car (mostly by sound) and came running to great me. I opened the door and Ani jumped right in, which she has never ever done! 

So Brad grabbed his jacket while I dog-proofed the car and Archer went for his first ride in Turbo to the mountain! Judging by this very blurry picture and his reaction, I think he likes the car! And Turbo got to go play in the snow for the first time :)

The snow was pretty slushy, but the first snow is magic, and we enjoyed spending some time in it!!

Even Brad was excited to see the snow!

This was already there, I could get used to the graffiti here in this town! 

Ani was running around, and although shivering, she enjoyed our outing! Archer ran around marking his territory, so in case you were wonder, he owns this snow! 

(The next day I had to explain to my 3 year old nephew why I couldn't bring him any snow, he was NOT impressed at my inability to transport snow so he could play in it!!)

All that running around sure is tiring....

Although I though I would be fighting snow the entire time I was here in Casper, I am now sad I haven't had more to play in, but am so grateful God gave me the opportunity on this day to play with my lil family in the magical snow on the mountain.