
Friday, November 6, 2015

The woes of Traveling.. Which way will my heart go??

So traveling isn't JUST gorgeous adventure, sightseeing and exploring. There is a TON of time spent in uncertainty and chaos.

Now is one of those times...
My assignment ends next Friday. Where am I going next?? Texas... but without a job. Because the one I thought was set up got cancelled. And this is the norm: Constant change of plans.

So my dilemma: do I stay with my current company (which I love, love, love) and return to Wyoming in two weeks (leaving Brad and Archer behind)? Do I just take off 6 weeks from work and focus on friends and family for the holidays? Do I pick up some health home jobs and work near my "home town" to stay close to Brad and friends? Do I get a travel assignment somewhere in Southern Texas where I can see friends on the weekends? If I do that do I wait until 2016 so I don't get screwed on working holidays??

Being funemployed doesn't sound bad at all, and I have the money to do it. But it certainly isn't helping my financial long term goals...

If I want to go to Alaska next year for an assignment, I WILL have to leave my current company, so leaving now would be a step in the right direction. And although I know this is an amazing company, it is also the only company I have been with full time since I graduated, so what if there are other amazing companies out there? But this company has made this position up for me, has helped me grow so much as a therapist and as an adult, the thought of leaving tears at my heart strings.

Taking an assignment means I have to be at least 60 mile outside of our hometown to get any of the travel stipends/benefits... and they just aren't jumping out at me this time of year like they have previously to get me in a location I want.

Home health would be a good option so I can stay close and set my own schedule, etc. But it means PRN positions at multiple companies (most likely) so uncertain hours/pay for the next 6 months. Plus a big learning curve. But I like learning, I'm good at learning curves. And it's one setting that I don't currently have on my resume and would like experience in.

I keep thinking of my friend Kim and what she would say. I can see her flipping her hand "Just take the time girl, go visit family and have fun!!" This is the woman that always encouraged a good time, yet knew how to work her ass off. She's the one that convinced me to rent a fun car to go to a convention because life was too short too drive my 15 year old Camry and I deserved a good weekend. And with tears running down my face as I write this, I wish so bad that she was wrong about life being too short. The world will never be the same without Kim, but the lessons she taught me in the 3 short years I got to work and play with her will forever be with me.

So all of that being said... I know in my heart I want the time off. But it scares me and my head says it is stupid to not work and be putting money away, even for a few weeks when I am still able-bodied and willing.

So I don't know what will happen or where I will go. But things have been working out for me for 29 years so far... These are gold-plated problems. I am so excited to see what happens but thought it was only fair I share some of the downsides of traveling. Sometimes I wish that I desired consistency, but turmoil is what I'm comfortable with, my free spirit just isn't built for white picket fences and normal 9-5 jobs. As Jillian Michael loves to yell at me in her workouts: "Get comfortable with being uncomfortable!!"

I would appreciate thoughts, though. Perhaps there isn't a perspective or option I have thought of? Comments seem to not be working great, I don't know if you have to have a Google+ account or something to leave comments? text me, call me, facebook me, or send a homing pigeon.

I let my thoughts ramble on with this song in the background...


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