
Sunday, April 17, 2016

Ward Lake & Perseverance Lake near Ketchikan, Alaska

So despite some ups and downs on our first week here, we were ready to get out and explore. We loaded up our pups in our borrowed car (seriously, who lets strangers borrow a car, thank you so much, guys!!!) and headed out to Ward Lake. According to the wonderful trail book we got this week from the US National Forest office, there is a nice paved trail around the lake. So off we went!!

That is the view we were greeted with, and it was glorious. So we wandered down the trail with the dogs as happy as can be. The furbabies have been cooped up all week since our truck is in the shop and we have relied on the kindness of strangers for carpooling which led to long days and us being physically and mentally exhausted by the time we got home.

Not too far around the lake we saw the sign for Perseverance Lake Trail head and decided to head up the mountain a bit. About 1/2 mile in, we saw a wooden sign that said the lake was only 2 miles up, so we decided...Why not?!

The amount of green and freshness of the air up here makes me speechless at times. About a mile and  half up we heard what sounded like rushing water, though Brad tried to convince me it was rain or wind, I knew it had to be a massive waterfall. Thankfully, I was right on this one! It was well off the path but we were able to hike out in to the bush a bit and get a few pictures and video.

When we finally rounded the last corner and came to the lake, we both just stopped to stare in disbelief. I have never been to such an isolated, remote lake where there are no human noises or disturbances.

Without fishing gear or a hatchet and with the crazy dogs, we didnt try to get too far past here where the trail ended. We just set down our rain jackets and enjoyed our water and trail mix, taking in the view of Alaska! 

Don't feed the wild animals!!
And lastly, I will consider every picture of us together an "engagement" picture for the foreseeable future, so here is our second ever engagement picture on the shore of Perseverance Lake outside Ketchikan, Alaska!!! 

We sure are loving the style of life up here, so thankful for this opportunity!

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