
Tuesday, September 1, 2015

First Time Fishing the North Platte River!

I am so grateful for today, I was given a a day off since we are slow at work. We used the opportunity to get out on the 'world-renowned' North Platte River and do some fishing. After a very scary/adventurous start the day (I'll write about that later... I still haven't finished processing all my emotions and thoughts), we put the canoe in and started our quick float down the river. It is my first time taking the canoe on a fast moving river since a colleague's husband lost his life during a canoe trip across a river, so that added to my heightened angst. We had our life jackets as cushions - and security for me.

About 15 minutes in, I got the first bite and landed a rainbow trout (with the help of wonderful Brad who is so patient and skillful with the boat and landing net!). We didn't get a picture of this one as the speed of the river demands rather constant attention to stay safe.

Only a short while after that one, I got another one! Brad is the one holding it in this picture because he is nice enough to handle the stinky fish and get the hooks out of them as they flail around in their escape attempts.

Fish Number 2 for Cheryl!
The good news for me is the first one was just about the twin to this guy, so duplicate the picture and you have a good idea what the first one looked like :)

Brad unfortunately was too busy being my guide and keeping the canoe off the shore (because touching private land is illegal!) to land a trout today, as the Casper wind did not help us stay on a straight course! Every time he threw his line, he had to quickly grab the paddle again :/

Two hours into the float I was convinced we had floated right past the car and were going to be floating for the entire day until we hit the city and then begged for a ride to the car. As usual, the worry was a waste of energy, and we were absolutely fine :)

Because I am not yet willing to strap a canoe to my car, we both drove our cars and went and picked up the truck after we made it downstream. Before we took off, I got grab to snap this wonderful picture of Turbo in the magical sunrise light.

Brad knows I love him since we took my baby down a bumpy back road and then loaded up all our wet fishing gear and put it inside to go get the truck! Luckily, he jumped in to help when I went to give her a bath afterwards :)

Another amazing day (minus the morning, pre-river float), so grateful for this adventure we get to live! Back to work for a couple days and then a long weekend full of road trips and wonder!

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