
Saturday, September 12, 2015

"From the Hills of Kaycee Wyoming..."

Those are words from a Garth Brooks song, a tribute to the late and great Chris Ledoux.

My first concert ever was Chris LeDoux, at the Cocky Bull in the great High Desert in California. I fell in love instantly with all things country. I was lucky enough to get to see this man several more times before he passed away around a decade ago. I wish I could produce the pictures (if there are any remaining) of me and this man. I was a 6 or 7 year old crazy blonde dancing and standing in line for his autograph.

He sang of rodeos and wide open spaces under the western sky, he rode broncos and lived the cowboy lifestyle. Chris lived in Kaycee, Wyoming on a ranch with his family and ever since I found that out I had decided Wyoming must be one hellva place! I decided way back when that at some point in my life, I wanted to live in Wyoming.

Sometimes we lose sight of out dreams, but God doesn't. Over the years I found myself in places were my priorities were a mess, my life and spirit were a mess and I had no idea what I truly wanted in life. For so long I wanted to be at the beach, and I was blessed enough to live there. As I got my life and head cleared out, the desires of my heart started to surface again...

Several years ago on a roadtrip to move to Michigan for a summer, my mother and I added a couple of hours to our trip so we could spend a few hours in Cheyene, WY and I could at least say I had been to Wyoming. I bought this little plastic horse and have had it in my car ever since as a memento from a bonding experience with my mom, and a the blessing of going to Wyoming unexpectedly.

Fast forward to today... I am now living in Wyoming during the best months of the year and only an hour from the town of Kaycee. It's things like this that make me just stand in amazement of the good things that come into my life when I am living right.

So today we went and wandered around Kaycee. It took all of 2 hours to explore this small town (population 261) including eating lunch at 1 of 2 restaurants, wandering the museum and Chris LeDoux park. There is very limited healthcare in this town, including a doctor and a nurse that each come into town just one day a week.

I always think I want to live in a place to sparsely populated, until I sit down and eavesdrop on the local conversations. I either need to be in a city or live so far off grid there is no one else to know my business or pester me.

Anyhow, here are the pictures. It may not seem like much to you, but to me this day signified so much, and flooded me with memories (good and bad) from a childhood that molded me into the woman I am today.

Post Script: I cannot find a youtube link for Garth Brooks' song "Good Ride, Cowboy", but if you get your hands on a copy, enjoy the tunes. Enjoy the tale of one of the good guys, true to his roots. Thanks for the memories and the dreams, Chris.

Me and Chris LeDoux

The original jail of Kaycee

The original schoolhouse

Is this a joke!?!? 

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